Monday, January 19, 2009

Prichard Quote of the Week

While discussing the way the narrator in "The Invention of Morel" idolizes Faustine, a student brought up how our society does the same with people like Britney Spears. This of course led to talk of our culture's apparent fascination with the downward spiral of her life. Prichard then interjected with "I have a theory about her, that that is her legacy."

About the movie Groundhog's Day:
What WOULD someone do if they were doomed to repeat the same day over and over. I particularly enjoyed his endeavor to eat whatever he wants and sleep with who he wants. That would get old pretty quick though. His quest to win over Rita was cute and reminded me of 50 First Dates. Only so far you can go with a person in one day though, which he learns the long and hard way. I guess I would learn to cook. That's something I wish I was better at and perpetual groundhog's day would give me the opportunity to accomplish that.

Cooking would of course come after building an army of fierce snowmen though.


  1. Now that we have completed the film--what do you think?

    And yes the meltdown is Britney's legacy. One look at the "womanizer" video should verify this instantly.

  2. Soooo... Rita continually rejects him... he stops caring and saves a bunch of people... the town falls in love with him... soooo she falls in love with him? Why was she not at all creeped out that after one night together he was asking her to move into that town with him? I think that he couldn't handle reliving that day over and over so instead he is living tomorrow in his mind. That is the only way I can see Rita acting the way she did.
