While discussing the differences, if there are any, between letters and emails Prichard said, "If the internet has the capability of being this finite thing, does it not mirror our existence here?"
Beyond that I would like to comment on Anderson's male spiders, the ones that came up with the empty-package trick. Bravo. Way to stick it to us females. Never been so impressed with an insect's ability to keep from being eaten.
I'm not sure what I think of the quote. If the internet mirrors humans and a religious person would say that humans mirror God then does God mirror something else? The Universe? If infinite things get narrower from the universe then what is more finite then humans and the internet? Would it be whatever the internet creates?
Have you read "The Approach to Al-Mu'tasim" by Jorge Luis Borges? It discusses this idea of humans mirroring God and also ponders what God reflects. It's a good...well, sort of a story. Your comments reminded me of it.
Those spiders! Well what do you think about the quote?
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure what I think of the quote. If the internet mirrors humans and a religious person would say that humans mirror God then does God mirror something else? The Universe? If infinite things get narrower from the universe then what is more finite then humans and the internet? Would it be whatever the internet creates?
ReplyDeleteHave you read "The Approach to Al-Mu'tasim" by Jorge Luis Borges? It discusses this idea of humans mirroring God and also ponders what God reflects. It's a good...well, sort of a story. Your comments reminded me of it.